Laong nila an taga Tago kuno para-away pero hanugay. Mamingawuni naman ganahani mandahap-dahap nan notisya. Naman ini na pabyon inhimo para kita na mga Tagon-on magkasinusihay, magka-binayluay nan mga gilaong, nan notisya, nan kaayuhan.
We are delighted to announce the birth of a baby boy named Brent Matthew Coleto Salinas to Bonsal & Coletz. Brent would soon be registered as "Baby Admin" in forum.
Coletz gave birth at Las Pinas Doctors Hospital in Las Pinas City. Both mother and child are doing well.
Wow, Congratulations! Kahinumdum sab lamang ako kan Jeremy when he was that little.. he was 5lbs 6oz, kuman damulag na! Enjoy every single minute with BM! Hugs and Kisses!
Last edited by madZ on Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Haluuuu apo ,welcome sa pamilya.damui ko na na apo.
Madz ,salamatirs gayud ,yahuli ako kay yabsi ako abay pamlants ,duha nakay kadlaw anhi.Tagad ako gabasa nan iya ngan ,minsantup dayun sa ako huna huna nan BM an ipdagnay ko ,timming na pagbasa ko nan imo Bm an tawag mo.Cute baya!
Hala BM ,magkita da kita.
congrats bon/grace.Kinun o an bunyag?uno manguli kamo sa Tago ,ngadto kita magbunyag.
After 4 days at the hospital we've been finally discharged tonight. I thank everyone who included us in their prayers, labor and delivery wasn't that bad as I thought it would be. I asked for an epidural anesthesia thinking that I wouldn't be able to endure the pain, but just two hours after I was told that I'm still at 2 cm dilation, the attending midwife was surprised herself when she checked and realized I was at 9cm already (thanks to an IV medication given). I was told that within 30 mins I might give birth already and it's senseless to still insist on an epidural anesthesia..... and I did. After hearing his first cry I gave in to the sedative and slept my way through recovery. God has always been so good to us and this time He gave us a cutie healthy baby boy.
" In Life, God doesn't give you the people you want; instead, He gives you the people you need; to teach you, to hurt you, and to love you, and to make you exactly the way you should be... SMILE! For, Life will always be, B-E-A-Utiful. "
Thank you everybody for a warm welcome of our first-born.
Mana Ellen salamati.
Madz you're right. He looks so vulnerable because of his size, but just the same he's very lovable. I am indeed looking forward to the day that he's twice his birth weight already para di na kadayaw ako mahadlok.
THanks Mi! yes, ka-birthday gayud tawun niya si ate. Hehehe! We've been guessing who's b-day he might choose, mine or kan ate, syempre an Tita delighted kadayaw na mindungan sa iya.
Auntie Tats, plano sa Sept. an iya bunyag puhon. Tan-awun da ini kun hain... Thank you so much. Kita da kamo ni BM. :
years from now, we'll explain why you will always be our BLOG BABY.
years from now, we'll tell you the love story of your mom and dad.
years from now, we'll share with you the love that made your mom and dad fight for you to be born.
years from now, we'll teach you the ways of blogging with the hope that like your mom and your dad, you may find true love to keep and to cherish.
years from now, we'll watch you walk through life, even as you celebrate its trials and triumphs.
but for now brent, just breathe, suck milk, and grow.
I am so touched by this, I cried, and I still do. Thank you very much. Bon showed me this when we were asked to let "BM" stay at the hospital for 2 day bacause he's yellowish (jaundice) and has to be exposed on a "Bili-light." I was quite worried then. Your message to him reinvigorated our spirits. Thank you again.
" In Life, God doesn't give you the people you want; instead, He gives you the people you need; to teach you, to hurt you, and to love you, and to make you exactly the way you should be... SMILE! For, Life will always be, B-E-A-Utiful. "